FLASHBACK: CNN, MSNBC, mainstream outlets eagerly touted infamous letter alleging Biden laptop was Russian op

Mainstream news outlets like CNN and MSNBC eagerly reported in 2020 on the letter making evidence-free accusations that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, which it was revealed last week was set in motion in part by President Biden’s future secretary of state, Antony Blinken.

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees and revealed that Blinken helped trigger the public statement signed by Morell and 50 other former intelligence officials in October 2020. It implied Hunter Biden’s laptop was Kremlin disinformation, saying it had the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” 

Despite its writers admitting they had no proof for such a claim, the letter became a sensation among media outlets that also aggressively pushed Russiagate theories, and it was even cited by Biden at a debate with President Trump. It was part of a broader, brazen display of media-Big Tech coordination to…


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