Republicans Worry Hunter Biden Living at White House to Evade Legal Papers

Republicans on Monday raised concerns Hunter Biden may be living at the White House to evade being served legal papers in his child support case.

The president’s son, who is trying to reduce his child support payments, has not readily provided the mother of his child in Arkansas with the financial records her lawyers requested during discovery.

On Sunday, some media personalities speculated Hunter might be living at the White House with Secret Service protection to avoid being served legal papers in the case.

“The address of the White House is well-known,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Breitbart News. “They have plenty of staff to deliver any legal papers that need to be served on Hunter.”

“If they don’t, it should be considered obstruction of justice,” he said.

Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) told Breitbart News if the speculation is true, it would not surprise him due to the Biden “family’s corruption and attempts to silence any opposition to their power.”


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