Senator Reveals FBI Informant File References 17 Biden Audio Recordings

An FBI informant claims a foreign national has more than a dozen audio recordings of conversations with President Joe Biden and his son Hunter stemming from an alleged $5 million bribery scheme involving Ukraine, a U.S. senator revealed on Monday.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said an FD-1023 file in the FBI’s possession, which has been shown to members of the House Oversight Committee with redactions, makes reference to these recordings and should be revealed to the public. Grassley has been working with Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), who has used subpoena power to pry more information from the FBI about the allegations.

“The 1023 produced to the House committee’s redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation with them. Seventeen such recordings,” Grassley said in a speech on the Senate floor, noting he has seen the document with fewer redactions than what oversight panel members…


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