White House Brags About Chart Showing Inflation Skyrocketed After Biden Took Office

The White House was dragged on Tuesday for tweeting a chart that showed inflation is lower than it was last summer — even though the chart also showed that inflation had skyrocketed after President Joe Biden was sworn in. 

In the post, the White House celebrated inflation reaching 4%, the lowest rate since March 2021, claiming the lower rate “is giving families real breathing room.” The chart may have not been the clear victory sign the Biden administration was going for, though, as it showed the massive increase in inflation from January 2021 to May 2022 when it reached 9% under the current president’s watch. 

“Great news: Today’s inflation report shows annual inflation is now at the lowest level since March 2021, and less than half of what it was last June,” the White House tweeted. “This is giving families real breathing room.”


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