GOP Rep. James Comer Aims Biden Dig At Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And It Backfires Spectacularly

Ocasio-Cortez mentioned Republican attempts to roll back the number of cockpit training hours required for commercial pilots to be licensed.

“I’m amused that the gentlelady is concerned about raising the age regulation that limits the age for pilots when there’s a shortage of pilots, but they’re OK with a president of the United States who’s more than 20 years older than the minimum age,” Comer said.

The progressive lawmaker quickly corrected him.

“Mr. Chairman, since you’re referring to me it’s not age. It’s training-hour time — the number of hours that an individual’s training, not the age.”

“Well, part of the regulation is the age as well,” Comer said in an attempted comeback.

Lawmakers have proposed fewer mandatory hours of cockpit training and more on simulators. Airlines have sought to modify the Federal Aviation Administration’s 1,500-hour training requirement for commercial pilots, enacted during the Obama administration after a 2009 crash that…


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