Sergey Karaganov: Heres why Russia has to consider launching a nuclear strike on Western Europe

If things continue as they are, Moscow will have no choice but to use the ultimate weapon

This month, there has been an active debate in Russia about the possibility of Moscow preemptively using nuclear weapons. Which would be at variance with the established doctrine. It began after the publication of an article by Professor Sergey Karaganov, which prompted a wide response from the domestic expert community

While Karaganov has been advocating relaxing the rules, others have different opinions: for example, Fyodor Lukyanov thinks the West cannot be ‘sobered up’ by using the bomb, and Ilya Fabrichnikov believes Russia should not ‘take NATO’s bait’ and unleash the ultimate weapon. 

This is Karaganov’s follow up response to his critics.

During over seventy years of mutual deterrence, atomic weapons have saved the world. People just took this for granted. However, now we see that things have changed and the unthinkable is happening: the West is…


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