White House Routinely Edits Transcripts Of Bidens Speeches To Make Him Look Coherent

President Joe Biden is a self-described gaffe machine, but you wouldn’t always know that by reading the official White House transcripts of his speeches and remarks.

Sometimes, the transcript throws in a [sic] when Biden misspeaks. Other times, the stenographer adds a bracketed correction to Biden’s error. And every once in a while, the White House just cuts out Biden’s bizarre word salads altogether.

Here’s a slew of examples from official transcripts just this month, found on the Whitehouse.gov website.

“Last summer, I had the honor of bestowing the Presidential Meda- — Medal of Freemon [sic] — Freedom on distinguished Americans …” (June 16, 2023).

“And I’m pleased we’re also joined by x-pay [sic] — xBk, a small venue in Des Moines, Iowa, that’s going be using all upfront pricing for its hundred events at — a year as well …” (June 15, 2023).

“Let me tell you, the Inflation Reduction Act includes $369 billion to comat [sic] — combat climate change…


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