Biden Explodes Over SCOTUS Ruling On Student Loans: The Court Misinterpreted Constitution

President Joe Biden raged at the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday over its ruling that his plan to bail out student loan borrowers was unlawful.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the HEROES Act did not give the White House authority to unilaterally forgive federally subsidized student loans.

“This program was all set to begin. The website had been set up,” Biden said. “The applications had been simplified so that it took less than five minutes to complete. Notices had been sent out to people about the relief they were eligible for. Sixteen million people — sixteen million people had already been approved. The money was literally about to go out the door.”

“And then, Republican elected officials and special interests stepped in. They said no — ‘no’ — literally snatching from the hands of millions of Americans thousands of dollars in student debt relief that was about to change their lives,” Biden claimed. “You know, these Republican officials just couldn’t…


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