Biden: SCOTUS Ruling On Same-Sex Couple Discrimination ‘Weakens Long-Standing Laws’

President Joe Biden on Friday blasted the Supreme Court ruling in favor of discrimination against same-sex couples.

“In America, no person should face discrimination simply because of who they are or who they love,” Biden said in a statement.

The conservative-majority court voted 6-3 to broaden the rights of people who want to discriminate against same-sex couples. The case, 303 Creative v. Elenis, involved a web designer who asked the court to grant her the right under the First Amendment to refuse service to gay and lesbian couples because of her Christian religious beliefs.

Her argument was purely hypothetical ― she hadn’t actually ever refused a gay or lesbian couple. But that didn’t stop the court from voting in her favor.

In his statement, Biden said the ruling “could invite more discrimination against LGBTQI+ Americans,” referring to members of the LGBTQ+ community as well as intersex individuals.

“More broadly, today’s decision weakens long-standing laws that…


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