RFK Jr. slams Joe Biden for failing to bring Congress together on student debt

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slammed President Joe Biden for failing to “bring Congress together” on the student debt issue after the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s attempted debt transfer.

On Friday, the Supreme Court held that Biden’s attempted $430 billion debt transfer violates the U.S. Constitution.

As Breitbart News reported:

Biden, through the Department of Education, sought to use emergency authority under the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act to extend temporary student loan forbearance into outright student loan cancelation. But the Court found that the cancelation went much further than a mere “waiver” contemplated under that law, and amounted to usurping Congress’s own fiscal powers.

Kennedy said the Court’s decision was “the predictable result of Biden’s failure to bring Congress together on this issue of crucial importance to young Americans.”

“President Biden knew his plan wouldn’t survive a legal challenge. His plan gave the appearance of action, while accomplishing nothing,” Kennedy added

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Twitter: “I will also take steps to reduce education costs for students. When I was their age, a college education cost about one-seventh of what it is today. A young person could work their way through college and graduate debt-free. If we devoted even a fraction of our military budget to… / Twitter”

I will also take steps to reduce education costs for students. When I was their age, a college education cost about one-seventh of what it is today. A young person could work their way through college and graduate debt-free. If we devoted even a fraction of our military budget to…

Biden responded to a reporter’s question on Friday and insisted he “didn’t give borrowers false hope.”

“Mr. President, why did you give millions of borrowers false hope? You’ve doubted your own authority here in the past,” a reporter asked Biden…


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