Awolowo, last leader to pay attention to Nigeria’s forests – Don

Awolowo, last leader to pay attention to Nigeria’s forests – Don

A professor of Forest Resources Management, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Samuel Oluwalana, tells DAUD OLATUNJI about Nigeria’s untapped forest resources, including the cure for various ailments

From a lecture you delivered recently, you alluded to the enormous treasure in Nigeria’s forests, could you expatiate on this?

On December 21, 2022, I had my inaugural lecture titled ‘Forest, a boundless territory of wealth and health’. I reiterated that the forest contains so much, and it’s not just about timber, but also plants, animals, soil, and things underground and above the ground. Nature has endowed us with so much; I mean all that we need and all that we would need, and I discovered that there is a slight misunderstanding of this renewable natural resource called forest. Now, I’m in an area people don’t usually look into; human feces. I’m searching for the droppings of goats and…


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