Putin reveals fate of captured Western weaponry

Russia may try to reverse engineer some of the technology, the president has said

Russian specialists will inspect Western-made weaponry that has been captured by the military in the course of repelling Ukraine’s much-hyped counteroffensive, President Vladimir Putin has said.

In an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin, Putin was asked to comment on what Moscow plans to do with the seized Western armor. “There is an expression called ‘reverse engineering,’” he said, according to a clip released on Sunday.

While noting that both Russia and Western countries have modern equipment, he said that Moscow has no intention of passing up the chance to examine Western technology up close. “If there is an opportunity to look inside and see if there is something that we can apply, then why not?” 

The president nevertheless praised Russian hardware, particularly the T-90 main battle tank. “[This] tank is the best in the world, without any…


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