U.S. To Give Ukraine ‘Everything It Needs For As Long As It Takes,’ Biden National Security Adviser Says

A top Biden administration official on Sunday said the United States would continue to send Ukraine aid and weapons “as long as it takes” for the war with Russia to come to an end. 

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan made the comments on ABC News’s “This Week” with host George Stephanopoulos, saying that the American people have really “hung in there” in terms of being supportive of the aid. Sullivan noted that, despite some Republicans in Congress expressing their discontent with continued assistance, high-ranking Republicans such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have continued to support it. 

“I actually think there is a strong backing for Ukraine in the Congress, not just among Democrats, but among Republicans as well,” Sullivan said. “Therefore, we believe that we can back up the statement that we will give Ukraine everything it needs for as long as it takes.”

Asked by Stephanopoulos whether he was worried about the support…


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