Putin ‘purges three more generals’ taking the total to be fired, suspended or vanished ‘up to 11’

Putin ‘purges three more generals’ taking the total to be fired, suspended or vanished ‘up to 11’

Vladimir Putin has ‘purged’ up to three more generals as he roots out supposed enemies and betrayers among his top brass, according to Telegram reports.

If confirmed, it takes the total fired, suspended, detained or vanished up to 11.

It would also mean Putin and his defence minister Sergei Shoigu and his ally General Valery Gerasimov – Russia’s most senior soldier – sense they face a mass mutiny in the high command as they seek to fight against Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Telegram channel Verum Regnum commented on the Bloody Sunday axings, saying: ‘Right now, the fate of the army is being decided, and afterwards the fate of the country.

‘If military officials manage to concentrate their power, trampling all the sprouts of initiative and professional honour in the troops, destroying the last heroes born [in the conflict against Ukraine], the inglorious end of the war is coming.’

Airborne Forces Commander Mikhail Teplinsky, left, pictured with Vladimir Putin during his spring…


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