Thomas Massie’s Three-Word Response To Biden’s Latest Green Energy Scheme

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has a three-word response to the Biden administration’s latest green energy scheme that would implement new hot water heating standards and disrupt the market.

“Leave us alone,” Massie tweeted in response to the news that Biden’s Department of Energy plans to update hot water heater standards. Reuters reported that those standards would require “most common-sized electric water heaters to achieve efficiency gains with heat pump technology” while gas-fired water heaters would be forced to use condensing technology.

Massie went on to explain that such “products already exist in the free market,” thus negating the need for more government interference.

The Energy Department claims that these new standards would help save consumers billions upon billions of dollars. Critics say that the new standards are “technologically impossible” and would limit choice.

“Consumers should decide whether the upfront cost of a heat-pump water heater is…


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