Pelosi: Bidenomics Is Working, Americans Just Don’t Know It Because Biden Has Not Told Them

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said during an interview over the weekend that President Joe Biden’s economic plan was working but that the president needed to explain that to people to make sure that “American people know.”

Pelosi made the remarks during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Dana Bash.

Bash rattled off a series of economic metrics that she said were positive news for the Biden administration and then asked Pelosi why the numbers do match Americans’ sentiment about the economy that is reflected in polling.

“Well, a lot of it’s about messaging, of course,” Pelosi said. “I’m so proud of this president. In the two years that we were in the majority working with him, he broke all records, on the level with a Lyndon Johnson or a Franklin Roosevelt, in terms of the caliber of legislation that he passed for the good of the people, lowering prescription drugs, again, cutting in half as you indicate, cutting in half unemployment.”



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