Biden blowing off Black voters, reparations activists say: the president ‘needs to act’

President Biden is taking Black voters for granted and losing their support by remaining silent on – and not backing – reparations for Black Americans as a way to make amends for slavery and racism, according to pro-reparations activists who spoke to Fox News Digital.

“I believe the Biden administration’s stance is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s benign neglect of Black voters – ADOS [American descendants of slavery] voters more specifically,” said Yvette Carnell, president of the ADOS Advocacy Foundation. “Black voters are whipped into a frenzy around election time, and Republicans are made into boogeymen who, as Biden himself said back in 2012, want to ‘put y’all back in chains.’ It’s fear-mongering, rather than offering a reparations framework or a transformative Black agenda that we can actually get excited about.”

Biden is facing increased pressure to use his authority to either support legislation or unilaterally enact proposals that would advance efforts to give out…


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