MSNBC host dismisses Republican probes into ‘so-called Biden Crime Family:’ Riddled with ‘conspiracies’

MSNBC host Ali Velshi brushed off the Republican investigations into the Biden family as an unjustified “wild goose chase” on Saturday, insisting that the GOP committee hearings and probes into Hunter Biden are “riddled with stunts and conspiracies.”

The MSNBC anchor tore into Republican lawmakers probing the Biden family for influence peddling on his show “Velshi” over the weekend, telling his viewers that the allegations against President Biden and his son Hunter “have already been investigated over and over and over again,” and resulted in no “evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the president.”

Velshi then pointed to Wednesday’s hearing by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who came forward to allege political interference in the prosecutorial decisions throughout the years-long federal probe into Hunter Biden. At one point during the hearing, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green displayed censored nude photos of the president’s son obtained from Hunter…


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