Nigeria has disappointed Africa, whole world: Obasanjo

A former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, says Nigeria has failed the African continent specifically, and the world at large.

Mr Obasanjo said, “over the last 63 years, we have not lived up to expectations. We have disappointed ourselves; we have disappointed Africa; we have disappointed the black race; and we have disappointed the world.”

Mr Obasanjo said this on Monday, in Abuja, at the public presentation of the book titled, “Reclaiming the Jewel of Africa,” written by former minister of industry, trade and investment, who also served as minister of finance, Olusegun Aganga.

Speaking further, he said that “what Aganga has tried to identify, itemise and recommend in his book is the way forward.

“But the beginning of charting a new course for ourselves is to admit our failure because we have not always put the round peg in the round hole.

“We are carried along by ego and emotion of self, selfishness and self-centeredness, ethnic and…


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