Putin promises Africa free grain supply to tackle food insecurity

Putin promises Africa free grain supply to tackle food insecurity

President Vladimir Putin has pledged to deepen relations with African countries across several spheres, promising a free supply of grains to the continent to tackle food insecurity.

Putin made this known on Monday in a statement themed “Russia and Africa: Joining Efforts for Peace, Progress and a Successful Future” ahead of the second Russia-Africa Summit and Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum.

The Summits scheduled to hold on July 27 and July 28 in St. Petersburg, Russia, seek to strengthen relations between Russia and Africa, outlining priority cooperation areas for the coming decades of the 21st century.

Putin stated that Russia attaches great importance to the Summits, with expectations of adopting a comprehensive Declaration, a number of joint statements and approval of the extension of the Russia – Africa Partnership Forum Action Plan to 2026.

According to Putin, Russia has strong, deep roots, with Russia’s support to African…


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