Senior DHS Official: Cartel Smuggling Business Booming Under Biden

The cartel human smuggling business is booming under President Joe Biden’s watch. Don’t take my word for it; listen to his Assistant Secretary for Border and Immigration Policy, Blas Nunez-Neto.

On Tuesday, Breitbart reported that Nunez-Neto recently said, “We see migrants now routinely paying smuggling organizations vast sums of money — often more than $10,000 to $15,000 — to facilitate their journey to the border.”

Nunez-Neto added that those payments are now often winding up in the hands of the cartels.

“This is so lucrative, in fact, that we are now seeing the drug cartels increasingly becoming a key player in not just collecting taxes for people who transit through their territory — which is what we saw historically — but actually moving people and becoming deeply involved in human smuggling, not just in Mexico, but throughout the region,” he said.

The senior official’s comments came during an interview with the Migration Policy…


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