Putin names ‘root cause’ of global food and energy crisis

Western leaders have made a litany of policy mistakes since the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian president has claimed

The root cause of the current problems on the global food and energy markets dates back to the coronavirus pandemic, rather than the conflict in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Speaking at the Russia-Africa Summit on Friday, Putin pointed to the financial and energy policy decisions made by the US and EU nations during the pandemic in 2020-2021.

Numerous countries chose to support their economy and population during lockdowns by printing more money, which according to Putin was a mistake.

“The US created a colossal amount of money, and so did the Eurozone countries, although on a slightly smaller scale. They used this money to buy up food on the global markets, and as a result, the prices shot up,” the Russian leader stated.

Putin also accused the West of pursuing a “short-sighted energy policy,” which…


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