US’ colonies in Europe are called NATO – Russian diplomat

Meanwhile, former European colonies are defending their independence and pursuing sovereign policies, Maria Zakharova has told RT

European nations used to be colonial overlords but now they’ve become colonial underlings of the US, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has claimed.

The senior diplomat brought up Europe’s colonialist past, speaking exclusively to RT on Friday on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg. Colonialism, she stated, is in the bones of Western civilization.

“For centuries the Western world formed around one simple and terrifying thought: that they are exceptional because they are strong,” she said. “They have no need to justify anything, they must simply reap the benefits of aggressive exploitation of the planet. That is their collective reasoning.”

The US subjugation of North America and other lands followed the same colonialist pattern, the Russian official added.

However, the…


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