Nancy Mace cautions against impeaching Biden despite evidence ‘overwhelmingly piling up’: ‘putting moderate members’ at risk

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) cautioned in an interview over the week that Republican lawmakers need to have a strong case if they decide that they want to move forward with impeaching President Joe Biden, saying that doing so could result in Republicans losing control of the House.

Mace made the remarks on Sunday during an interview with Shannon Bream on “Fox News Sunday” when asked about whether Republicans were “overhyping” the upcoming testimony this week from Devon Archer, a former friend and business associate of Hunter Biden.

“No, I don’t think so. This was a person who was in business with Hunter Biden and Biden family members. He was the BFF of the president’s son,” Mace said. “He has a lot of information, I believe that we’ll be able to fact check and corroborate with other witnesses and other whistleblowers. And when we just had two IRS whistleblowers, admitting that their investigation has been blocked by federal agencies. And is he going to tell us that Joe Biden was in the room via conference call or in person and to what extent he was involved in this mess? And the American people have the right to know whether he was or was not.”

Mace said that the evidence from the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family was “overwhelmingly piling up” but not all of it could be shared because of confidentiality.

“For example, the 170+ suspicious activity reports pointing to money laundering, bribery, racketeering, and corruption, etc.,” she said. “So we have to go find the bank records, we have to go find witnesses and other whistleblowers to prove it in other ways, since we can’t release that information. So it’s really important, in my estimation, no matter what side of the aisle you are on, release everything at the point that you can,


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