Russia poised for major nuclear expansion in Africa  

The BRICS New Development Bank has agreed to finance some of Rosatom’s energy projects, the company’s CEO has revealed

Russia and Ethiopia have signed a road map on nuclear energy cooperation, the head of Russian atomic energy major Rosatom, Aleksey Likhachyov, announced on Friday at the Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg.

The agreement outlines steps the countries will take in 2023-2025 “to explore the possibilities of building a nuclear power plant of large or small capacity, as well as a nuclear science and technology center in Ethiopia,” the company said in a statement. 

The Ethiopian delegation in St. Petersburg discussed nuclear cooperation with representatives of Rosatom and agreed to cooperate on developing the country’s nuclear industry, organize technical tours and seminars, and arrange meetings for specialized working groups. 

Likhachyov also revealed that the BRICS New Development Bank will finance certain Rosatom projects,…


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