HANNITY: Breaking down the evolution of Joe Biden’s lies

Fox News host Sean Hannity discusses whether then-Vice President Joe Biden benefited from Hunter Biden‘s business dealings as the investigation heats up.

SEAN HANNITY: Now, first, Biden and his staff, if you remember, they all swore… Joe said it as president, he said it as candidate that never once, ever did he ever speak or talk to Hunter or his brother or anybody for that matter, about his foreign business dealings. He never discussed these foreign deals with any of these people, ever. Then the story changed. Then they said Joe Biden was never in business with Hunter or his brother or any of these foreign business partners. And that has evolved into an admission. Well, Joe Biden met with Hunter’s business partners, some of them or talked to others, two dozen of them on the phone, but he didn’t discuss business over what a dozen conversations, two dozen conversations. And when Joe did get on the phone, when he did go to dinner with them at Cafe Milano, all they talked about was the weather. That’s what they’re telling you now. The latest Democratic Party and media mob spin is a concession. 

Okay. The Big Guy did have some kind of role in Hunter’s business deals, but as one former White House deputy director proudly quoted, while the Comer memo ‘doesn’t show direct payment to Joe Biden.’ They need to read the Foreign Corruption Act and the federal laws because you see, he doesn’t have to benefit. If he takes actions as that 1023 form said as vice president that directly benefit and enrich his family, that’s bribery, according to the law. Greg Jarrett will explain. You see, the foreign money went to Hunter and other Biden family members first and we all just need to move along. That’s what they’re telling us. 


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