Democrats demand Biden probe migrant family separations at border

House Democrats are demanding the Biden administration investigate reports that Texas officials are separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday urging them to “take concerted measures” to stop Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) agents from separating fathers from mothers and children along the Rio Grande section of the border.

Democrats previously attacked the Trump administration for implementing a family separation policy to stem the flow of illegal migration at the border. 

While Biden has criticized his rival’s policy publicly, his Justice Department has been defending it in court against five migrant mothers who say they and their children suffered from the separation policy while trying to seek asylum.

It’s fueled anger toward President Biden among his progressive allies, particularly as he’s sought to portray himself as a…


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