American general reveals new US policy to counter Russian influence in Africa

Despite former US President Trump’s announcement of a path to withdraw US forces from Africa, global US action on the continent hasn’t stopped for a minute.

The US military presence in Africa is gradually increasing, starting with an agreement to organize joint military exercises, and expanding into obtaining military facilities at airports and ports, then ending with an agreement to establish large integrated military bases that the US will use. To wage war on whomever it wants, whom it calls an enemy.

AFRICOM talks about its goal of ensuring stability and fighting terrorism, but behind the scenes it is consolidating the US political and military position on the continent, balancing and even encircling other world powers. Washington has paid more attention to Africa, and among the most important African countries that include the US presence on its soil are Burundi, Botswana, Cameroon, Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia,…


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