WH Spox Says Biden Has ‘Been There Since Day One’ For Maui. Here’s Where He Actually Was

WH Spox Says Biden Has ‘Been There Since Day One’ For Maui. Here’s Where He Actually Was

A spokesperson for President Joe Biden said that when Biden arrived in Maui — nearly two weeks after wildfires swept through western Maui — one of his priorities would be to make sure residents were aware that he had “been there since day one.”

The president and First Lady Jill Biden traveled to Maui on Monday — after reporters pressed Biden several times about when he planned to make the trip — to tour the damage to the historic town of Lahaina and the surrounding areas.

But in response to the claims made by spokesperson Olivia Dalton — namely that Biden had been there “since day one” — critics pointed out that on “day one” of the deadly fires that have left more than 100 dead and hundreds still…


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