Anger Erupts After Biden DOJ Gets 5 Pro-Life Activists Convicted, Thrown In Jail

The Biden Department of Justice successfully swayed a jury on Tuesday to convict five pro-life activists for demonstrating at a controversial abortion clinic, which the DOJ argued violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, also known as the FACE Act.

Conservatives quickly expressed outrage over the case, especially since the activists — Lauren Handy, 28, John Hinshaw, 67, Heather Idoni, 61, William Goodman, 52, and Herb Geraghty, 25, — face 11 years behind bars and were thrown in jail to await their sentences. The activists also each face a $350,000 fine.

“From the beginning, this trial has been a sham with a completely biased pro-abortion judge who has made a mockery of our justice system,” Live Action founder Lila Rose said in a statement. “This decision will be appealed, and we demand it be overturned. These activists are heroes, and the Department of Justice has acted capriciously and illegitimately.”

Daily Wire host Michael Knowles said Wednesday on…


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