Watchdog Says Elizabeth Warren Being Fooled By ‘Bogus’ Pledge From Biden Nominee On Big Pharma Payments

A watchdog group has raised a red flag over a promise — from President Joe Biden’s choice to head up the National Institute of Health — to not take any money or work for a Big Pharma company for four years after leaving her position. 

Monica Bertagnolli, Biden’s pick to head up the NIH, made the promise in a letter sent earlier this month to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. The promise, though, is “bogus” because it would still allow her research to be funded by pharmaceutical companies, according to the American Accountability Foundation. 

“Monica Bertagnolli is one of the worst nominees Biden has chosen. Her history of incompetence as a doctor and her tight relationship with Big Pharma make her unqualified for this position. Her attempts now to fool Congress with this bogus ‘ethics pledge’ just reinforces this. Sen. Warren needs to reject this ploy and make Dr. Bertagnolli answer for her past,” said AAF President Tom Jones in a statement to The Daily…


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