McCarthy Launches Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden. Mutually Assured Destruction Can Be A Good Thing.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced there would be an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden surrounding all of his activities with his son Hunter as well as the cover-up that’s been attempted by the DOJ of any investigation into Hunter’s activities.

There is a ton of evidence that’s already out in public view, thanks to the so-called “laptop from Hell” that was supposed to be Russian disinformation which was dismissed by the entire media in the months leading up to the last election cycle. We know that Hunter Biden has spent the last decade jet-setting around random countries as a drug addict while paying prostitutes, and he’s been picking up bags of cash from foreign boards while calling his daddy on the phone to prove their connection.

We know tens of millions of dollars have flooded to Hunter’s connected businesses or directly to him. We know Hunter texted his own daughter suggesting he paid his dad’s bills. We know all of these things. The only thing missing is…


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