Apple Worships Mother Nature. Welcome To Pagan America.

The pagan mentality that’s taking over corporate America is truly astonishing.  

Apple just released an ad in which they effectively call for worship of Mother Nature. This is just pure pagan-Gaia-worship nonsense. In the commercial, Apple CEO Tim Cook and what we are to assume is the rest of the Apple board are meeting with Mother Nature, who is a black woman. This Mother Nature shows up to express her unease at the lack of progress corporate America has made in protecting her: the environment. 

A board member asks, “Mother Nature. Mother Nature. Welcome to Apple. How was the weather getting in?” 

“The weather was however I wanted it to be,” Mother Nature replies. “Let’s cut to the chase: In 2020, you promised to bring Apple’s entire carbon footprint to zero by 2030. Henry David Thoreau over here (the camera pans to Cook) said we have a profound opportunity to build a more sustainable future for the planet we share.” 

“I think our 10:00 said the same thing,”…


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