The latest revelation in the ‘spy balloon’ story exposes the absurdity of US-China relations

Months after the fact, it has been confirmed that there was no espionage going on – but the damage has already been done

Seven months ago, the US government and media were in a frenzy over a supposed ‘Chinese spy balloon’ spotted over the country. This prompted the military to send its state-of-the-art jet fighters to shoot down the object, which was deemed a massive threat to US national security. The only problem is that this entire debacle was an outright lie, as General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently admitted to CBS News.

“The intelligence community, their assessment – and it’s a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon,” the general told the outlet on Sunday. He claims that the balloon had sensors but wasn’t collecting any information, i.e., it could have been a spy balloon but it wasn’t spying. Now, the media is left scrambling and…


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