Biden seeks $100 billion in Israel and Ukraine aid – Bloomberg

The White House reportedly believes a bundle may be easier for the US Congress to pass

US President Joe Biden reportedly intends to propose a $100 billion aid bill that would include funding for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and securing the border with Mexico, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter.  It is believed that bundling the aid would ensure bipartisan support in Congress.

One anonymous source told Bloomberg that details of the bill “are still being worked out,” but noted that it would cover the entire fiscal year, which ends in October 2024. The earlier Ukraine aid request – which led to the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy this month – was for $24 billion and covered only three months.

While the majority of both Democrats and Republicans supports sending military aid to Israel, the Republicans are less convinced about more money for Ukraine. 

Michael McCaul, the Republican chairman of the House…


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