NATO doesn’t rule out further expansion

The US-led alliance has promised to leave an open door for new potential members in Europe

NATO has reaffirmed its open-door policy on Wednesday, saying that it will continue to welcome other countries’ aspirations to join the US-led alliance. NATO leaders outlined their policies during the summit in Washington, DC, which marked the 75th anniversary of the bloc.

“The Western Balkans and the Black Sea regions are of strategic importance for the alliance,” NATO members said in their final declaration. They vowed to help the countries of the region to “counter malign influence, including disinformation, hybrid, and cyber threats, posed by both state and non-state actors.”

“NATO supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of interested countries in this region,” the declaration read.

The US-led alliance admitted the Balkan country of Montenegro as a member in 2017, while neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina has been holding intermittent…


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