Afghan child remains in limbo after appeals court voids U.S. Marine’s adoption

The future remains uncertain for a young Afghan child whose family was killed in a U.S. night raid in Afghanistan five years ago. A Virginia appellate court voided the adoption of the Afghan war orphan, nicknamed “Baby Doe” in court documents, by U.S. Marine Maj. Joshua Mast and his wife Stephanie Mast on Tuesday. The court determined Mast never should have been granted the adoption of Baby Doe, who has lived with Mast and his wife for three years now.  

Baby Doe, who turns five this month, was orphaned following a U.S. raid that killed her family in Afghanistan in 2019. At 40-days-old, Baby Doe was found in the rubble with life-threatening injuries. The Afghan government and International Committee of the Red Cross determined Baby Doe had living relatives, and united her with them as required by international law. After an investigation, the Afghan government determined Baby Doe’s parents were neighboring farmers in the wrong place at the wrong time and not foreign fighters who…


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