Ben Shapiro explains: ‘What happens if Biden resigns?’


As a growing number of prominent Democrats publicly call for President Joe Biden to bow out of the 2024 presidential race, many Americans are asking themselves a simple, yet complicated, question: what happens if Biden resigns?

In the latest episode of “FACTS,” Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro tackles that question and many others related to Biden’s age, cognitive decline, and apparent determination to remain in the presidential race despite a series of disastrous public appearances.


In the episode, Shapiro outlines three potential scenarios that could play out before November 5:

  1. What happens if Joe Biden withdraws from the ticket, but does not resign the presidency?
  2. What happens if Joe Biden resigns?
  3. What happens if Joe Biden dies in office?

The first scenario, Shapiro explains, “would be politically the worst case scenario for the Democrats, who would leave the next nominee carrying Joe Biden’s baggage without ever assuming the power of the presidency.”


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