King Charles lauds ‘resilience’ over ‘aggression’ in riots after criticism he didn't condemn UK unrest sooner

King Charles III on Friday lauded the “resilience” of many that overshadowed the “aggression” and “criminality” of a smaller number of people amid some of the worst unrest in the United Kingdom’s history, Buckingham Palace said.

The king has been criticized for not speaking out sooner against the riots that began after three young girls were killed in a stabbing attack on July 29, in a town near Liverpool and misinformation spread on social media following the murders and an arrest. 

The king and the royal family are currently in Scotland for their annual summer holiday. 

“The king shared how he had been greatly encouraged by the many examples of community spirit that had countered the aggression and criminality from a few with the compassion and resilience of the many,” the palace said in a statement. “It remains his majesty’s hope that shared values of mutual respect and understanding will continue to strengthen and unite the nation.”



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