7 Best Zingers At Trump That Brought Down The House At Democratic Convention

The opening night of the Democratic National Convention wasn’t just a celebration of Vice President Kamala Harris, who quickly rose to the top of the ticket after President Joe Biden ended his campaign last month.

It was also about going on the offensive against Donald Trump.

Biden himself brought the heat when he closed out the night with a rousing speech passing the torch to his veep. At one point, he noted that the crime rate is falling, and will drop again after the election for one very specific reason:

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) called Trump a “plague on the American conscience.”

Warnock, who is also a pastor, noted the $60 “God Bless The USA Bible” that Trump has been hawking.

“He should try reading it,” Warnock said, then quoted a few lines of scripture that Trump isn’t exactly known for following:

Raphael Warnock on Trump: “I saw him holding the Bible and endorsing the Bible as if it needed his endorsement. He should try reading it!” <a…


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