Clinton lauds Biden as modern-day George Washington and president who 'healed our sick' in DNC speech

CHICAGO – Former President Bill Clinton took the Democratic National Convention’s stage on Wednesday evening where he lauded President Biden as a modern-day George Washington who “healed our sick.”

“I do want to say one word about President Biden,” Clinton said towards the start of his speech in Chicago. “Remember, he had an improbable turn that made him president. And we were in the middle of a pandemic and an economic crash. He healed our sick, and put the rest of us back to work. And he strengthened our alliances for peace and security, stood up for Ukraine, trying desperately to get a ceasefire in the Middle East.”

“And then he did something it’s really hard for a politician to do: He voluntarily gave up political power. And George Washington knew that. And he did it. And he set the standard for us, serving two terms before it was mandatory. It helped his legacy, and it will enhance Joe Biden’s legacy,” Clinton added. 

Biden joined the DNC on Monday evening, where he…


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