Trump buries hatchet with Republican Governor in swing state


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump buried the hatchet with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) this week after the two have repeatedly clashed at various points over the last few years.

“We got to win. We got to win from the top of the ticket on down,” Kemp told Fox News host Sean Hannity this week. “I’ve been saying consistently for a long time, we cannot afford another four years of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. And I think, you know, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would be even worse. So we need to send Donald Trump back to the White House. We need to retake the Senate. We need to hold the House. We need to hold our legislative majorities that we have in the great state of Georgia, and it takes hard work, that’s what we’ve been doing.”

Kemp said that his political operation has been hard at work in the ground game for nearly two months knocking on doors and focusing on getting high voter turnout.

“I just want to urge everybody out there, we cannot take this for…


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