A socio-political group, known as the Ngwa Rangers have threatened to recall the House of Representatives member for Obingwa/Osisioma/Ugwunagbo Federal Constituency, Munachim Alozie, alleging that the lawmaker has been noticeably absent from both his duties and in the eye of the public.
The group, which alleged that Alozie has failed to serve as the voice of his people in addressing their local concerns, said the lawmaker’s performance was capable of jeopardizing the democratic integrity of the Federal constituency he represents.
In a press release signed by Kingsley Ihesiaba, the Publicity Secretary of Ngwa Rangers the group expressed dissatisfaction with what they have so far gotten from their representatives based in Abuja, alleging that he is regularly seen at funerals and church dedications events than at his constituency.
The press release read in part: “Contrary to his obligations, Hon. Alozie is frequently mentioned in various publications for attending funerals and…
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