Israel stalls on state budget – Bloomberg

Substantive talks on the fiscal framework for 2025 have yet to begin amid the ongoing war in Gaza, according to a report

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration has stalled on holding critical discussions on the country’s 2025 budget amid the ongoing war in Gaza and escalating tensions with Hezbollah, Bloomberg reported on Monday.

According to the outlet, citing Israeli Finance Ministry officials, budgeting is usually well underway by this time of year, but almost no substantive discussions have taken place so far.

Budget proposals are typically drafted early in summer, brought to the cabinet for approval by August, and passed by parliament by the end of the year. Failure to pass a budget by March 31, 2025 will result in the dissolution of the government and a snap election.

Netanyahu and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who reportedly met with the prime minister last week for budget talks, have not explained the delays.


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