Reps Commend Benue Governor For Rural Devt., Inspect Projects

The National Assembly House Committee on Rural Development has commended the Governor of Benue State’s rural transformation initiative.

The Chairman of the committee, Marcus Onubun, and members gave their commendation after an on the spot inspection and interactions with some of the rural dwellers who are direct beneficiaries of the projects.

The commissioner for rural development and cooperatives, Joy Luga, Commissioner for Power and Transportation, Omale Omale, leads the Deputy Chairman of the House Committee on Rural Development, Abdullahi Mohammed and other members of the committee to visit some of the rural projects embarked upon by the governor Hyacinth Alia.

During the tour of the projects, the committee had interactions with some of the rural dwellers who are direct beneficiaries of the projects, and they expressed their appreciation to the governor of Benue State, for the people-oriented projects.


Some of the projects visited include the underpass,…


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