Spin Cycle: What Really Happened At Arlington National Cemetery?

For those who don’t spend their Sunday mornings glued to the television — and their Sunday afternoons attempting to dig through a week’s worth of network and cable news media spin — The Daily Wire has compiled a short summary of what you may have missed.

Monday marked the third anniversary of the suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport’s (HKIA) Abbey Gate — which killed 13 American service members and injured many more during the Biden-Harris administration’s chaotic and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. While President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris each issued a statement recognizing the date, it was former President Donald Trump who attended a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery alongside the Gold Star families of those who were lost that day.

Shortly after the ceremony — amid criticism aimed at both Biden and Harris for failing to attend — Democrats and media talking heads attacked Trump for taking photos with…


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