The German establishment is desperately clinging to power in the face of democracy

Like in France, there is an open and crude effort to deny voters their democratic choice

At least have enough class to wait more than five seconds after the election you just lost before doing democracy dirty.

The results were still firming up amid exit poll results in eastern Germany’s state elections when the second-place party in Thuringia took to social media to tell voters what’s what.

“The first projection confirms the forecast – the CDU is gaining ground and will definitely finish second! Red-Red-Green is voted out! We thank all voters, helpers and supporters in the country and from all over Germany! We will seek talks to explore the possibilities of forming a government. The following still applies: There will be no cooperation with the AfD,” wrote a seemingly over-caffeinated teenager running the account of the right-wing establishment party still mostly known for its former leader, ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

Easy there, sports….


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