Your Blow-By-Blow Recap Of The Presidential Debate

For those of you who missed this week’s presidential debate because you were doing something more rewarding like twisting your navel lint into the shape of circus animals, not to worry, the Daily Wire is here to bring you this handy blow-by-blow recap.

The debate began with a question from David Muir, ABC’s crack anchorman — and when I say crack, I mean but crack.

The butt crack anchorman asked Kamala, “Oh mimsy, you’re so nummy, your numminess is yummy, why does my yummy mummy make my tummy gummy?”

Vice President Harris responded, “I have a plan to rain destruction on America by controlling food prices so that grocery store shelves are empty, crippling the energy industry for no discernible reason and leaving babies to die if they violate a woman’s right to choose by surviving an abortion. Also, Trump’s golf game sucks.”

President Trump responded: “What do you mean my golf game sucks? I have a great golf game. Some say I have the greatest golf game anyone can…


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