Millions lost as Gombe tomato farmers struggle without storage facilities

Chima Azubuike writes about the harsh reality faced by tomato and pepper farmers in Bula community in Gombe State, due to lack of storage facilities, which not only jeopardises their earnings but also casts a long shadow over Nigeria’s agricultural sector

Bula, a small agricultural hub nestled within the expansive plains of Akko Local Government Area, Gombe State, is known for its vast fields of tomatoes and peppers.

Here, under the sun’s unrelenting gaze, the farmers work diligently, cultivating these crops that promise high profits but come with significant challenges.

Among these farmers is 35-year-old Aliyu Maikudi, a man who, despite his success, continues to grapple with a problem that undermines the very foundation of his livelihood: the lack of proper storage facilities.

The vibrancy of Bula’s fields, where rows of tomatoes glow in red and peppers shimmer in green under the sunlight, masks a more troubling reality –…


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