Donald Trump tells Michigan crowd only 'consequential presidents' get shot and reveals what the Secret Service needs following second assassination attempt

Being president is a ‘dangerous job,’ Donald Trump told a Michigan crowd of supporters Tuesday night, saying to cheering supporters the attempt on his life only proved he mattered.

‘You know, only consequential presidents get shot at,’ Trump said at a town hall in Flint where he spoke at length about the dramatic incident.

It was one of several light-hearted comments he sprinkled into his remarks, while pointing to the danger that comes with his public profile. After a pair of assassination attempts, he compared the job to high risk occupations like race car driver and bull riding. 

‘What can you do? You have to do what you have to do, right? We have to be brave, otherwise we’re not going to have a country left,’ Trump said.

Trump then offered a detailed account of the attempt on his life, just as he spoke about the first assassination attempt at the Republican convention. This time, there was no impact to speak of.

The former president praised the agent who fired on suspect Ryan…


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